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M-m-m-m-good!! What more can I say?! It is so creamy and soft and very, very tasty!!! I absolutely love it :-)
We had sandwiches for dinner. I really love sandwiches!!! Doesn't it just look so tasty? Well, it was... Now it's in my tummy and you can't have any.
Creamy nougat, gooey caramel... The only thing that could make this better would be to have a Milky Way Midnight. I am enjoying this tasty candy bar while Andrew is working on his project with his group. Shhh, don't tell him...
Garlic, food of the gods!! Need I say more?
This morning we made some tasty pancakes from a mix that we picked up at Mitsuwa last weekend. The brand is Morinaga and they were totally tasty, fluffy yet firm. And, I ask you, in what other country besides Japan would all the ingredients have happy faces? Ok, maybe Korea but these are definitely Japanese...
*This is my post from Saturday, February 24, 2007. This post is late. I am very sorry. I have had a project to do for class that has absolutely kicked my butt!! It has sucked away all of my time this past week and a half...
Today is my birthday. Everyone conspired to make it a great b-day!!! I was very happy!! I had sushi lunch, the tasty cake (pictured above), presents, Outback Steakhouse dinner and a new cubicle. The only thing that would have made it better was no project to work on...
*This is my post from Friday, February 23, 2007. This post is late. I am very sorry. I have had a project to do for class that has absolutely kicked my butt!! It has sucked away all of my time this past week and a half...
Andrew and I purchased some rich chocolate Ovaltine at the Acme today. This is my first Ovaltine experience and I have to say it was pretty tasty. In fact, it was rich and chocolaty... Scrumptious!!
*This is my post from Thursday, February 22, 2007. This post is late. I am very sorry. I have had a project to do for class that has absolutely kicked my butt!! It has sucked away all of my time this past week and a half...
I really love chocolate; can you tell? This is picture of an Andes mint that I ate tonight. I really love these cookie bars that my aunt makes from Andes mints. They are so good and even tastier than the mints themselves.
*This is my post from Wednesday, February 21, 2007. This post is late. I am very sorry. I have had a project to do for class that has absolutely kicked my butt!! It has sucked away all of my time this past week and a half...
As usual, a photograph of some tasty Japanese chocolate. This time it is strawberry chocolate from Meiji. This is some of my favorite from Japan, right behind Meltyblend and Black... I really like the way that the reflection from the chocolates made the plate pinkish.
*This is my post from Tuesday, February 20, 2007. This post is late. I am very sorry. I have had a project to do for class that has absolutely kicked my butt!! It has sucked away all of my time this past week and a half...
Yes, you have previously seen a similar photo on my blog. This is ramune, the Japanese soda with the marble that I wrote about before. This time it is the original flavor that I like that to describe as similar to bubble gum flavored penicillin. Sounds tasty, no? I bought a six pack when we were at Mitsuwa this past Saturday.
*This is my post from Monday, February 19, 2007. This post is late. I am very sorry. I have had a project to do for class that has absolutely kicked my butt!! It has sucked away all of my time this past week and a half...
This is the very wonderful meal that Andrew made for dinner tonight. We bought some cheap tilapia at the local Korean market. Andrew made it very tasty with some lemon, herbs and enoki mushrooms!! He also made this salad that he found the recipe for in one of his cooking magazines. It was so, so tasty!! It was endive, cauliflower, white beans and feta cheese in this really good lemon dressing. This is one of my favorite salads. Just fantastic.
*This is my post from Sunday, February 18, 2007. This post is late. I am very sorry. I have had a project to do for class that has absolutely kicked my butt!! It has sucked away all of my time this past week and a half...
Andrew, his parents and I went on an odyssey to Mitsuwa, a huge Japanese market in Edgewater, New Jersey. After a slight detour to NYC, we made it to Mitsuwa and had some lunch. This is a photo of the tasty, tasty, tasty shio ramen (salt ramen) that I had for lunch. That thing at the bottom of the photo is fish cake; I like them but Andrew hates them... So, the players are, going from the fish cake around the left: pork, bamboo shoots and mushrooms. In the middle are scallions and a sour cherry. My lunch was so, so good. I wish we had a ramen shop around our house... That would be the best...
*This is my post from Saturday, February 17, 2007. This post is late. I am very sorry. I have had a project to do for class that has absolutely kicked my butt!! It has sucked away all of my time this past week and a half...
This juicy orange isn't for me unfortunately :-( It is for the piggies!! :-)
*This is my post from Friday, February 16, 2007. This post is late. I am very sorry. I have had a project to do for class that has absolutely kicked my butt!! It has sucked away all of my time this past week and a half...
Chocolaty milk is the bestest. This is a photo of the Hershey's chocolate syrup that has settled at the bottom of the glass before I had a chance to stir it up. Some would say this is a lot of chocolate for the tiny glass of milk I'm having; Andrew would say it is definitely not enough!! His glass would be half chocolate syrup and half milk if I let him...
*This is my post from Thursday, February 15, 2007. This post is late. I am very sorry. I have had a project to do for class that has absolutely kicked my butt!! It has sucked away all of my time this past week and a half...
This is a new little snack that I found during our shopping trip to the local Korean market. It's from Meiji, the same folks that make Meltyblend. It has a little chocolate cookie on the bottom that is topped with a cream (hence the name...). The entire thing is covered in a semi-hard chocolate shell that is dusted with cocoa powder. It is quite tasty but the cream, as is most often the case in Japan, is not as sweet as it would be in a Western snack. Overall, I would give it an 8 out of 10. :-)
This is some tasty Japanese style curry that I made on Sunday night. This is a photo of some of that curry that I had for lunch today. Andrew and I have taken it to work for lunch yesterday and today. I like this curry because it is a little spicy and this time I made it with chicken thighs which turned out very tender and juicy. Yummy!!! :-)
This is a photo of some of the salad mix that we use to bribe Bran and Wyn when we are having lap time. They really love the stuff!! They happily munch away while we pet and scratch them...
This is the mini salad that my guinea pigs are going to have tonight. Doesn't it just look delicious?! It has romaine lettuce, carrots, carrot tops, parsley, green peppers, tomatoes and grapes. I hope they enjoy it...
This is some very yummy cake that Andrew made for Heather's party. It is a banana chocolate chip bundt cake. So, so tasty. He used his castle bundt pan but two of the four turrets didn't make it out of the pan all the way so the castle looked like it had been under siege...
*This is my post from Saturday, February 10, 2007. This post is late. Andrew and I went to Heather's fabulous game party last night and had so much fun that we didn't get back until about 1 in the morning. I was too tired to post after tending to and spending some time with the piggies...
I really love Toblerone!! This is the dark chocolate variety, the best kind. I bought it for Andrew's stocking but I think that I have eaten most of it... Oops...
I got some wonton soup from one of the Chinese trucks at lunch. It was quite tasty. It also made for some cool photos.
I forgot that I had to take a picture of some food until after I was done eating for the day. So, what better to take a picture of than water? I have it all the time but I never think of it as a food. We all need it, though...
So, continuing in the vein of the Meltyblend photo, this is a photo of a raspberry chocolate. Andrew and I bought these at the Naked Chocolate Cafe in Philly that I told you about in my earlier 'Drinking Chocolate' post. They are very tasty and they have nifty little liquid centers. It's too bad there isn't more liquid inside; if there was, it would ooze out and make my photos even cooler!! :-)
Fried rice!! Yummy!! Andrew made some very tasty fried rice tonight. It was so, so, so tasty!! Doesn't it look tasty?!
Andrew's parents invited us over for an impromptu Super Bowl party. It was fun!! More importantly, there was lots of food!!! I took this picture of the gin and tonic that Andrew's dad made for me. It was very tasty and I love the glass. I took this picture with the 'color accent' feature on my Canon. This feature highlights a color that you chose and makes everything else black and white. In this one I chose to accent the green of the lime rind. Kinda cool looking, huh?!
*This is my post from Sunday, February 4, 2007. This post is late. The impromptu Super Bowl party was just too much fun to post during and it was time to go to sleep when I got home.
Today, Andrew, his family and I went into Philadelphia for Andrew and his dad to get fitted for tuxes. After the fitting and little bit of shopping at one of my favorite stores, Ten Thousand Villages, we went to this great new place called the Naked Chocolate Cafe. It was so wonderful. They have many different kinds of chocolates and pastries that were very chocolaty and tasty. I had a chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing. It was very good. The best part, though, was the drinking chocolate that they have, called tasting chocolate. It comes in four varieties. The one I got was called 'Spicy'. It had several spices including cumin and a little bit of kick, probably from cayenne. It was so thick that it was like eating some melted chocolate!! You have to eat it with the tiny spoon that they give you because it is almost impossible to actually drink it. So, so, so good!!!! Next time that we go, I want to try some of their chocolate candies and the 'Aztec' tasting chocolate...
I'm so happy that Adina got her Meltyblend so that I can post a picture of one of my favorite Japanese candies without giving away the surprise!!! Only available during the winter months, Meltyblend are basically little square truffles. They are typically really hard to come by here in America. It just so happens that our local Korean market had some this year. When I found them, Andrew and I were so excited!! We bought quite a few boxes... hehe... This is a picture of the strawberry variety of Meltyblend. While tasty, I still think that cacao variety is my favorite. The strawberry ones look cooler in photos, though. :-)
I have been staying at the office on the nights that Andrew has class so that I can get some of my own schoolwork done in an environment that has fewer distractions than home. Before Andrew goes to class, we have dinner together. Tonight we had some Chinese food from one of the lunch trucks outside. It was, of course, way to greasy for my stomach's liking. Anyway, I got to have some tasty Cherry Coke!! I really needed the caffeine...